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RBL - Blacklisted by Comcast

We have just been blacklisted by comcast even though we run a very clean email server.

I have filled out the Comcast blacklist removal form and am waiting a reply. Just posting here to see if other server admins just recently had problems with Comcast blacklisting. We only host accounts we are familiar with. Here is my form submission to comast:

We have a shared hosting server with only clients. We do not provide hosting to companies other then our own clients. For some reason we have been blacklisted even though we keep a very clean server.

I am a comcast user as is my wife and several friends. All my email to them has suddenly been blocked.

Here is the email we received. We appreciate your attention.

vicksslc (at)
SMTP error from remote mail server after initial connection:
host []: 554 comcast Comcast BL004 Blocked for spam. Please see
shadvick (at)
(ultimately generated from board (at)
SMTP error from remote mail server after initial connection:
host []: 554 comcast Comcast BL004 Blocked for spam. Please see
mikehbiz (at)
(ultimately generated from board (at)
SMTP error from remote mail server after initial connection:
host []: 554 comcast Comcast BL004 Blocked for spam. Please see

Wish me luck


12/27/2007 1:13pm
The response from Comcast with an awesome turnaround time of about 20 minutes. Thank you for contacting Comcast Customer Security Assurance. We have received and reviewed your RBL removal request. Below each IP address you submitted in your request, we have included the result of our research. Please do not reply to this message. The IP you previously provided has been removed from the blocklist. Our filters have determined that email from the IP you submitted was blocked because it sent email to the Comcast domain with patterns characteristics of spam. Mail servers are typically shared by many users so it may be the case that another party using your mail server has sent spam, even if you have not. It is important that your email administrator is aware of their outbound spam problem to avoid being blocked by Comcast in the future. When contacting your email administrator, you should include the error message contained in the email which alerted you to this problem. Taking this step now will help avoid blocks in the future. If you have a different IP addresses which you would like considered for removal from the Comcast blocklist, please submit your request to Sincerely, Comcast Customer Security Assurance
12/30/2007 1:07pm
Thank you for posting this message. I followed the link, , and was able to remove one of the MIT authenticated outgoing mail servers from their blacklist. Whatever they are using as a filter to recognize "patterns characteristic of SPAM" are woefully poor! Carolyn Fuller
12/31/2007 11:01am
You're very welcome.
Joan Warner
12/06/2010 1:48pm
How do you get comcast to return a phone call, we have a problem that has been going on for 4 months and they cannot/will not fix it. Going to recommend that we swich to another my opinion comcast sucks
12/06/2010 11:34pm
Joan - not going to happen... Sorry. Customer service is not their priority - it's simply revenue. That's why they keep loosing folks to Dish and others.

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