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Video Made The Internet A Star

Here at Lunawebs we encourage video use by offering our clients a competitively priced in-house video production studioSmart entrepreneurs and successful business owners realize that offering video clips on their sites and dedicated YouTube channels is a killer way to market their business as well as raise brand awareness.

Take into consideration that YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine in the world and you’ll come to the realization that video is more powerful than a lot of marketing efforts you may already be engaged in.

If you’re a business owner and live in Utah you’re probably aware of a small blender manufacturer that skyrocketed to the top of YouTube video views, as well as public consciousness with their viral video “Will It Blend”. The company, Blendtec, did something small and simple; they created a video about their product and reaped tremendous results from it. There’s no reason that you can’t do the same.

Why Video?

Video has the power to transform a lifeless brand into a dynamic and energetic source of valuable information, at an incredibly small cost. All of this is in addition to adding the polish of professionalism to your brand.

Compared to other forms of communication and social media, video inherently has more appeal. Most customers and online visitors are more likely to watch a poorly shot video all the way through, than read your best blog post, and depending on your personality, it’s arguably easier to create video than it is to create other forms of content.

If you’re an entrepeneuer or business owner who lives, breathes, and thinks about their business and is proud of what they’re putting into the world Ñ and you’re not creating video for the web Ñ you can’t start soon enough.

Questions of Quality

Guerilla Low-Cost

In video production the quality of your work is directly related to your tools. It’s perfectly acceptable to create video for the web on your phone. With the increase in camera quality in today’s smartphones that might be a option for you if you’re striving for an off-the-cuff, rough and tumble approach.

If you decide to go this route, pay particular to your environment and quality of sound. Sound, strange as it might seem when discussing a visual medium, is the indication of quality in video production. People will sit through a low-quality video if the content is compelling and the sound is audible enough for them to understand, but they will leave quickly if it’s too difficult to hear what you’re saying.

If you’re going to go guerilla video style, remember that environment is critical and should be reflect your business and brand. If you’re the owner of a gym or a skateboard manufacturer it probably won’t harm your business too much to shoot a video on your phone. On the other hand, if you’re a wedding photographer, or car parts manufacturer you might lean towards something more professional.

Mid-Range to Professional

While camera equipment can be moderately expensive to purchase, there are often rental houses that can provide you with better quality for less money up front. The Lunawebs competitively priced in-house video production studio will cover a lot of your production and post-production needs.

The distinction between the low-cost approach and the mid-range to professional one is the focus on details. Techniques like camera moves, digital intermediate color correction and great sound in an outdoor environment are all skills that require precision and finesse.

Take heart in knowing that producing high-quality professional grade video is easier than it’s ever been. Planning and thinking ahead will save you time and money, so take a few moments to really think about what you want to do and say with your business. Think about how you’d like to be represented and how the video that you create will be an extension of your business and brand.

With those ideas in hand you should be able to deliver content that your customers and users find interesting and compelling.

In future posts we’re going to be talking a lot about video and other ways to enhance the polish and quality of your brand online.

Your feedback and questions are always welcome, so feel free to send us an email about what you’d like us to discuss or just let us know in the comments section.


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