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Maximum Exposure: when is the best time to post to Facebook?

Despite a number of experts offering advice to the contrary, there simply is not a one size fits all solution when it comes to the best day and/or time to engage with your FaceBook followers. So, are there any words of wisdom can I impart? Of course there are… I mean, this would be an extremely short (not to mention pointless!) sentence otherwise, right? So, how do you determine what’s best for your business? Well, let’s start with this…

Forget knowing your audience —you must understand them.

You may know your audience, but understanding your audience means you also know and understand their patterns and behaviors. What does their day typically involve? What type of schedule do they follow? Because the majority of posts on FaceBook will receive around half its reach in the first 30 minutes following its debut, these little intricacies are more important than you may think.

Who is your audience?

You may be surprised by the demographic that dominates your FaceBook friends list. Their gender and age range is easily accessible to you by simply opening your FaceBook insights and taking a peek at the ‘Likes’. It’s also worth your time to review location information. Why? Even if you know you have a large customer base in one state, you may be overlooking a large segment of people in differing time zone.

How do they spend their day?

If you have a large following of stay-at-home-moms, chances are their viewing habits will vary greatly from someone who is say, a Fortune 500 CEO.

Apply common sense.

Now you have additional information about your audience. Remember, the demographic on FaceBook may not match up with the one you’ve determined regularly visits your website itself. That’s okay. It simply means you need to tailor your posts to fit the correct demographic.

A Few Fun Facts About FaceBook & Mobile Devices:

  • A FaceBook user is more likely to access FaceBook via smartphone or mobile device as opposed to their desktop.  
  • About 80% of Smartphone users between the ages of 18—44 make it a priority to check their phone 1st thing in the morning.
  • An astounding 86% of smartphone users state they engage more with their phone around meal times, and while watching TV.
  • Time spent on a smartphone or mobile device during the week is nearly double when compared to the weekends.


Hold up. I know you’re anxious to put your newfound knowledge to the test, but here’s the thing… have you considered when you have the most competition? Even if users are on FaceBook, if you’re competing with a user’s other FaceBook friends and brands/celebs/or bands they follow, you’re still unlikely to develop as much engagement as you’d like.

Unfortunately, there is no foolproof method for developing social engagement, but rather a game of trail and error while trying to find a magic combo of when most of your FaceBook following is online, while simultaneously figuring out when they are subjected to fewest number of new posts.

What is the real secret to gaining maximum exposure on FaceBook?

  1. Know and understand your audience.
  2. Understand there is no such thing as a one-size solution, but rather what is right for your business. 


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