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Password Security and Management

I was reading the PassPack blog recently. These guys got it going on. As we've grown as an organization password management has been a painpoint. PassPack is coming out with a secure multiple user password sharing program in beta 6 here soon. I've tested the single user application which in my opinion has covered all its bases. One of the interesting notes I read on their blog was how critical a longer password is, not just a well thought up cryptic password with numbers, characters and symbols.

From PassPack: "In a password cracking contest, "S10wDr1v3r" was cracked six months before "myengagingwives".

The longer the password the better, not necessarily the more cryptic.

Make sure your passwords are long and don't just post them in a password protected directory or some other shared host thinking this will cover you. I've seen organizations using Google Docs and Spreadsheets as their password manager and I cringe to think that although Google is secure - it wasn't intended as a place to store critical, high level secure data.


02/13/2008 12:50pm
Thanks for the kudos. We'll work to get that rolled out as quickly as possible. The upcoming Beta 6 is going to lay the groundwork, and the sharing feature will be added shortly thereafter. Taking things one step at a time, and doing lots of user testing along the way to make sure we get things just so. I come from a web design background myself (10 years), so I know how bad the industry needs this. Cheers to you and thanks again, Tara PassPack Founding Partner

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