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Niche Blog Evangelists

It seems like just about every niche is covered by a blog. Some niches have dedicated blog evangelists. The advantage of the variety of blog publishers out there is that you can get nearly instant access to readership. As traditional marketing continues to change, users online are taking more and more control over freedom of speech. Press releases can be freely distributed, products reviewed, and opinions shared about business is all freely posted and indexed online (good or bad). Any business or corporation should be concerned about what's being said online and how they can influence their image among users.

A press release can be written and submitted to blog publishers to share your story. Press releases use to be restricted to large media organizations filtering content, whereas now there are very little limitations. If you have a newsworthy event or interesting information for a specific niche- write up your story and submit it to blog evangelists who tend to be very supportive (make sure they include a link back to your site!).

A new trend of business reviews by participating publishers, are on the rise. Most blog evangelists welcome a free product, book, or service to review and in return for a posted summary on their website. This instantly gives your product a strong testimonial and positive reaction among regular visitors to a blog. The price of a product to reach 10,000 niche impressions in a month is much cheaper and more effective than many advertising strategies.

Opinions about business in blogs and forums are regularly shared. Any employee interested in PR for their company should quickly do a search for their name by keyword and pull up results. In most cases you might be surprised at what you'll find. Your overall image and brand could be largely influenced (good or bad) online and you may be completely unaware.

Find out what blog evangelists are supporting your niche. If a niche has yet to be covered, become a thought leader and start one today!


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