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Remove Facebook RSS Feeds for Pages - Turning Off

As many Facebook users know - there is not much stability to the navigation, interface or flow of

Facebook. It seems FB developers change the entire interface or major parts every other week.

I happen to manage a lot of facebook fan pages from within my profile. To remove a feed is not really easy to thought I'd share.

First go to your public facebook profile that is attached to the pages you manage.

Make sure you are logged into your profile. If you don't know how to get to your pages - you can type in /pages/manage and all your FB pages will appear.


  1. click on the page you want to manage
  2. click on edit
  3. click on apps on the left
  4. click on go to app under "notes" on the right
  5. click on "edit import settings" on the left.
  6. You can now remove your rss feed or add it there.


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