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5 Must Know Tips for Better Content Generation

Here at Lunawebs we encourage site owner and entrepreneurs to generate their own content. For one, it allows business owners to develop a stronger understudying of their business. It also allows them to understand how they appear to their customers and clients.These are great tools for teaching entrepreneurs and site owners how content creation can add value to their business.

But while blogging, tweeting, and posting to Facebook sound like really easy things to do some entrepreneurs struggle with it and end-up giving up or worse yet, falling into patterns that don’t lead to results they desire.

Here at Lunawebs, we are dedicated to providing you with solutions and ideas to your online marketing and web design problems. We want you to succeed, because your success on the web is a benefit to everyone Ñ that’s just the way the web works.

Here are 5XX tips and best practices to keep in mind for creating remarkable and compelling content.

Get Ahead Of It and Have A Plan

This seems obvious when you put it in writing like this, but the key to any succesful project is proper planning. Take a few moments to think about who your audience is and why they need to hear what you’re saying. Those few moments spent brainstorming will end up saving you hours Ñ and maybe weeks Ñ of time wasted down paths that we’re right for your business. On the web, just like in life; time is money; always do your best to preserve them both.

Don’t Be Too Clever With Your Headlines and Titles

When creating content for the web there’s the tendancy to worry that it might not be good enough and that maybe a clever title will help it along. Avoid this type of thinkings.The web is used primarily as a source to solve questions by those seeking out answers. Yes, we spend a lot of time goofing around looking at Facebook and the like, but most of those links float to the top through the power of networks that we can’t control.

While we don’t know what exactly how google indexes it’s content, we do know that it uses a computer and computers understand a headline like “5 Vegetarian Crockpot Recipes” more than “Keep Your Body Warm and Belly Full On A Budget”. Google and other search engine are more likely to turn up your page as relevant content if you do your best to describe it as plainly as possible.

Talk Directly To Your Audience

Traditional marketing of the past taught business owners that they should make their messages as broad as possible in order to appeal to the largest possible groups. The new lesson of the day is to speak directly to the people that matter most to your business. Don’t hesitate to communicate in a voice and tone that your users will understand. This means that you don’t pander or coddle your user. Treat them as a peer and they’ll understand and respect you for it.

Remember Passion + Voice = Quality

That’s the magic formula to creating content on the web, because the most expensive thing that you and your audience is investing is your time. Make it a point to be confident about that which you are passionate about. Be yourself! There are a million and one videos about you to unclog a sink. What generates page views and clicks? Whatever is remarkable.

Passion is contagious. If you think that everyone should know how to unclog a sink with ingredients found around the house and you make a passionate and compelling video about it, the web will reward that with time and attention. Remember, be yourself and the web will respond accordingly.

If you’re in doubt, don’t ever hesitate to ask.

This goes back to our point about the web being a source for questions being answered. It may seem like not knowing everything will make you seem ignorant, but the truth is that it humanizes your business. Ask for opinions, ideas, or suggestions. This creates conversations Ñ something that has untold value to your business, search engines and the web in general.

Creating content for the web is always fun, but isn’t alway easy. Do your best to use the above as rules of thumb and we’re sure you’ll reap the benefits of an engaged user base and a responsive social circle.

Got any other suggestions? Feel free to leave a comment!


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