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The True Cost of Being #1: Maintaining Perspective in a Rank Obsessed World

I want to be #1 on Google!

If I had a dollar for every time a client or perspective client has said this to me over the past 3 years, I'd have purchased one of those private islands being advertised in Dubai. I hope you caught my humor, but here's the thing... I'm not really kidding.

It's okay; you can admit it: you want your website to be number one on Google and every other search engine. I get it... If you've read some of my recent blogs, you may already be familiar with some recent SEO industry changes. Regardless of these changes and new information available, "SEO" and the numerous false guarantees by less than reputable companies have made their mark.

While I haven't a clue as to how lengthy and lasting those repercussions may be, it's all the more reason to address one of the most important pieces of developing a new website or online marketing campaign: the ability to maintain perspective.

Okay... but... I still want to be #1 on Google!

Fine, but answer me this: why?

Is it because...

  • You want to encourage more visitors to use your site?
  • You want visitors to buy something?
  • You want to convince visitors to embrace an idea?
  • You want to convert visitors in to customers?
  • You hope to gain a combination of the all of the above?

 In the end, you have one theme than remains constant: the user.

Website ranking is not really the goal; at least it isn't when you put it in perspective. Remember your common theme: the user. When the user is the priority and at the forefront of your mind, it's easy to see that the true goal is to create as positive a user experience as you can.

Harsh truth: there's no such thing as a quick-fix.

Band-Aids help to cover a wound, but make no mistake; a Band-Aid or quick fix is not synonymous with a genuine, long-term solution.

If you have a site that is riddled with poor copy and/or a design that does not offer a positive user experience, optimization is irrelevant. Users' needs and wants come before that of a search engine.

In an upcoming post, I'll address how design, coding, optimization, and content ultimately work together to help you achieve better success.

In the mean time...

Drop me a comment! I'd love to know about any experiences you may have had with SEO, getting your site ranked, etc.


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