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Social Media Image Dimensions

Like everyone else, we're sure you've had to re-do at least one graphic for your social media. Was that your Facebook cover? Or your YouTube channel art? The dimensions are different depending on the platform, so the same image you uploaded on Google+ won't look the same if you add it to your Twitter header. Well, for all of you who are still struggling with these measurements, here's a very simple cheat sheet! 

1. Facebook cover: 851px x 315px

facebook cover example

2. Facebook event cover: 784px x 295px

facebook event cover example

3. Facebook post: 940px x 788px

facebook post example

4. Facebook app: 810px x 450px

facebook app example

5. Facebook ad: 1200px x 627px

facebook ad example

6. Twitter header: 1500px x 500px

twitter header example

7. Twitter post: 1024px x 512px

twitter post example

8. Google+ photo: 1240px x 700px

google+ photo example

9. YouTube channel art: 2560px x 1440px

youtube channel art example

10. Pinterest graphic: 735px x 1102px

pinterest graphic example

11. Instagram post: 640px x 640px

instagram post example

12. Tumblr banner: 3000px x 1055px

tumblr banner example

13. Tumblr graphic: 540px x 810px

tumblr graphicr example

14. Etsy banner: 760px x 100px

etsy banner example

15. Email header: 600px x 200px (Bonus!)

email header example

*The images were made using the same size fonts, and all of them follow the dimensions given depending on the platform, however, for the purposes of seeing the images clearly one on top of each other on this post, they were constrained to 300px.


it's easier to see how different the dimensions of each are when you put them right next to each other! Have you made your social media banners and posts with these dimensions? If not, how did you manage to make your images fit to the dimensions allowed for each platform without looking distorted or pixelated?



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