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Deadly Assumptions: Why A Site Re-Design Is Only Part of the Puzzle

You recently made the decision to re-design your website. You found a great company, went all out, and the wow-factor of the new site is impressive. The work ends there, right? No. On the contrary, you're really just getting started.

While a new design aids in building a brand image, continually adding unique and engaging content provides a hook. Not only is this a great way to aid in increasing site traffic, it can also provide an edge over the competition. When you offer additional value to your visitors, they are more likely to remember you when they're in the market for your type of product/service.

Naturally the question becomes, 'What in the world do I write?' Let's start with one main principle: whatever you create, it needs to provide value.

To get started, you may want to provide visitors with information about why your product/service is important. It is important to realize that this is not the same as an official sales pitch. Make this all about the client. What do they stand to gain? What are their options? How can this make their life easier?

Once you've established the basics, the sky is the limit. You can offer tips and tricks, discuss industry trends, even do opinion pieces on a company blog page.

If you're not a writer, the next question may be, 'How in the world do I crank out content... it's not my day job!' Don't panic. Here are a few tips to give you a nudge in the right direction.

Develop your own voice!
No one is going to dispute that virtually anyone can write up an array of bullet points, throw them on the web, and call it advice... and a early night. The key to great writing is that is often reflects a personal style. Light humor, a couple jokes, even writing in a similar manner to which you speak goes a long way to personalize the information given to your reader.

Analyze problems and provide viable solutions.
With internet being the #1 source most people use for research, it's a good idea to make the lives of your site visitors easier. Do a bit of the heavy lifting in order to provide them with more information. Comprehensive information with as little effort as possible on their part? Most will keep coming back for more.

The last, and possibly one of the most important piece of advice I have is simply this:

Do not advertise your website, your product, or your service within content.
People, particularly those on the internet, have a strong aversion to advertising and blatant self-promotion. While it's appropriate to mention that your product/service can help them to solve a specific issue/problem, do not promote beyond that.

It is natural for content creation to appear daunting in the beginning, it is an important part of helping you to drive your target audience. Engaging with people goes a long way in helping to establish loyal client relationships, while they receive fantastic service and value. In the end, it's a win-win for both parties.


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