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Design Advice from the Pros: Why Simplicity Works

By now you've heard about the 'less than 5 seconds' rule when hooking visitors to your website. Unfortunately this leads many businesses trying to cram a single page with as much information as possible. Bad idea. Let's take a look at some simple (and not so simple) sites and we'll explain why simplicity really is more effective.  


The Problem: Too much information!

Most will likely agree that there's just too much going on here. In order to avoid this common mistake, it's important to understand why it's made. Here are several common causes:

  1. Desperation — a website is used to sell a service and/or communicate a message. Unfortunately, when the manager of a website is over-eager or desperate to sell, TMI is a frequent end result.
  2. A Belief that Something Is Missing — in an effort to prove their expertise, it's tempting to unload anything and everything they know. Unfortunately, it typically has the opposite effect.
  3. A Need to Know Users 'Get It' — Endless instruction is not needed. If anything, you've likely wasted your time writing it because it will not be read. End of story.

Simplicity Speaks

Now that you know what not to do, can you spot what tH=SUM's website is keeper?

Why It Works:

Not only do they inject humor, +h= sum immediately tells their visitors:

    1. Who they are

    2. What services they offer

    3. Easy navigation to an online portfolio & contact page

   4. Clean design (which incorporates unique elements as opposed to using unique elements in a way that overpowers.)

Wait, that's it?

Yep, that's it.

Remember, although your website is your best marketing tool, you do need to leave enough to the imagination to make a potential client say, 'Hey, these guys seem great... now how do I learn more?!'


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