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Simple Tips to Aid In Attracting (and Converting) Mobile Consumers

With the explosion in the mobile market, the number of shoppers who opt for mobile devices to serve their shopping needs is only going up. Virtual market places such as Etsy report they are seeing as much as 45% of their site traffic arriving via mobile phones and tablets.

Is your website or mobile device application ready for the future of the online consumer market? Check out our super star strategies for attracting and converting mobile shoppers.

1. (Mobile) Shop 'Til You Drop.

Don’t worry; no money need change hands for this part. We’re merely encouraging you to put yourself in the shoes of your customers. Take a look at how your e-commerce store and website stacks up compared to others.

  • What do you like about your go-to mobile e-commerce website?
  • Are there parts you find difficult to navigate?
  • Is it cluttered or clean?

Chances are you’ll begin to see commonalities in mobile market places that receive praise and positive word-of-mouth reviews.

2. Tighten and tailor.

No, not clothes. Think writing.

  • Use short, succinct titles offering only pertinent information.
  • Resist the urge to give too much information.

Research has shown that when it comes to browsing the web, readers skim for key words. TMI is well... too much.

3. Invest in an information bank. 

Analytics/website statistics software, such as Luna’s ‘Lunalytics’ platform are a great way to gain in-depth knowledge about the patterns of your web traffic. By adding Lunalytics to your monthly Luna Subscription, you will be able to gain valuable insight in to the patterns of those who visit your website.

Have you ever wondered...

  • Which are the busiest day(s) of the week for your website?
  • The time of day that sees the most traffic? 
  • The types of blog posts and content that garner the most attention?

I've only listed three things and with those alone, the marketers out there can already see how this type of information can be priceless in planning how best to reach potential clients.

4. Focus on fierce photography.

High quality photography is a important for desktop websites, but when it comes to mobile, high quality photographs vs. a lack thereof are often key to success within the mobile consumer market.

Despite the fact that screen size and thus, ratio will vary depending on a user’s device of choice, high quality images are critical. If you are unsure about how to obtain high quality photographs, contact the Luna team for photography and online marketing help today. 


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