blog design summary wide

March 2013>

The True Cost of Being #1: Reinforcing Best Practice

Maintaining a healthy perspective about a site's rank within search engines is often a challenge for many website owners. In an effort to be #1, many companies hire so-called 'experts' who excessively manipulate the code of a website with the hope of improving the site's rank. Does the code of your website really matter? Yes, the quality of your website's code matters a great deal! Although it may not directly impact your conversion, clean code does aid in... Overall performance of your web.... read more

Posted in Advertising/Marketing, Content Writing, CSS, html, internet, Online Marketing, SEO, web design | Post Comment

The True Cost of Being #1: Maintaining Perspective in a Rank Obsessed World

I want to be #1 on Google! If I had a dollar for every time a client or perspective client has said this to me over the past 3 years, I'd have purchased one of those private islands being advertised in Dubai. I hope you caught my humor, but here's the thing... I'm not really kidding. It's okay; you can admit it: you want your website to be number one on Google and every other search engine. I get it... If you've read some of my recent blogs, you may already be familiar with some recent SEO in.... read more

Posted in Advertising/Marketing, branding, Content Writing, Design, Graphic Design, internet, Online Marketing, SEO, web design | Post Comment

Design Advice from the Pros: Why Simplicity Works

By now you've heard about the 'less than 5 seconds' rule when hooking visitors to your website. Unfortunately this leads many businesses trying to cram a single page with as much information as possible. Bad idea. Let's take a look at some simple (and not so simple) sites and we'll explain why simplicity really is more effective.   Not-So-Simple The Problem: Too much information! Most will likely agree that there's just too much going on here. In order to avoid this common mistake, it'.... read more

Posted in branding, Design, Graphic Design, internet, Online Marketing, organization, web design | Post Comment

How To Expand Your Brand's Online Influence

For all the talk about successful online marketing and interacting with your potential client base, a common question on the minds of many business owners becomes how to gain a wider audience. Although we've covered many of the basics (engagement, consistent communication, etc...) there's a lot of information out there and implementing it may seem daunting. So, how does one become influential online? Not only do you need to be knowledgeable and passionate, you need commitment. Yes, commitment. .... read more

Posted in Advertising/Marketing, blogs, branding, links, Online Marketing, PR Public Relations, SEO, social media, Social Networking | Post Comment