Social Media Marketing


Social Networking and Rankings

Perhaps you use or know people who frequent Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, MySpace or other social media networking sites to stay connected with other friends or users of the internet. These social networking portals also can provide a valuable space for getting your brand out to the world. We specialize in using these networking tools to advertise and market your brand.

      Social Media Services

      LUNA can assist you with every aspect of social media. Our services include:

      • Facebook, MySpace and other Networking Site Website Designs
      • Web MicroSite Building
      • Copywriting
      • Blogging and posting on Digg, Twitter, Bookmarking for Delicious and traffic from StumbleUpon users

      Utah SMM Campaigns

      For as little as $250 / month we can get you started on monthly social media campaigns. We write unique blog posts, create custom web pages optimized for the search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo!, and post that content to all of your fans at Facebook and Twitter. Visitors will be able to click on your Twitter and Facebook icons to join your network and receive regular updates. We can also customize your social media pages to match your home page brand. Fill out our consultation form for a free quote.