April 2011
Tutorial:  Your Best Friends in Excel When dealing with large amounts of data, save time by learning about your "best friends" in Excel. Your best friend today is the "vlookup". Download the practice workbook and follow along. You will learn how to combine important information from multiple spreadsheets with just a few clicks. Watch Tutorial
Fresh Site:  Utah Green Screen Utah Green Screen provides state of art technology for your use to create stunning visual effects on your next big project. Insert the backdrop you’ve been day-dreaming about in your next commercial or movie, ditch the queue cards and use an industry-standard teleprompter, or even rent the studio for a photo shoot. All needed equipment is available for your use as well as onsite engineers at your disposal. View Site.

Social Media & SEO by Steve Anderson Google recently updated their algorithm to include more pages from the same websites in their search results. This is expected to have a positive effect on websites that are “liked” and “tweeted” through social media. In addition, it has been reported that Google is paying more attention to social media links for consideration in page ranking. Read More.

Optimize Your Photos for the Web by Steve Anderson In an age of high-resolution phone displays and widescreen desktop monitors, it is more important than ever to have quality images on your web site – but don’t make them too big.
The amount of time it takes for a page to load can have an effect on your website’s credibility with search engines as well as drive away users if it is slow. Luckily there are some easy ways to make your images look great on the web without sacrificing quality. Read More.
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