March 2011
Industry News:  Don't Get Blacklisted Retailer JC Penney was recently penalized by Google for their SEO company’s Black Hat practices. In other words, they were manually removed from their top spot in Google search engine results due to use of unethical techniques to get ahead... Read More
Fresh Site:  Achievement Synchrony Achievement Synchrony is a powerful new parent-teacher cooperative system which improves student achievement and conduct in the classroom and responsibility and self-motivation at home. Student achievement is both the parents' and the teachers' responsibility. This new website provides a portal through which parents and teachers can collaborate to help children succeed in the classroom and in life. View Site.

The Future of the Internet by Steve Anderson “With great power comes great…” how does that go again?
One of the best things about the internet is its indiscriminating ability to allow anyone’s voice to be heard. In theory, everyone has an equal chance to get their product or message out to the world for those who would hear it. A phrase used to describe this principle is “Network Neutrality”... Read More.

Issue Calls to Action by Steve Anderson The average website contains around 273 pages. No matter how large or small your website is, your users will need some initial guidance to get them to the areas that will provide the most meaningful experience and encourage return visits. This guidance is best achieved through a “Call to Action”. Read More.
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