June 2011
Industry News:
Online shopping isn't just trendy with consumers; according to recent studies, shoppers trust online outlets more than the mall. What figures? Read More
Fresh Site:

NewTech Drilling LUNA recently launched NewTech, a Utah-based company that designs and manufactures drilling products for oil and gas exploration, mining, water well application, construction, and many other things. NewTech also designs and manufactures custom drill bits and drilling products to suit any application. Check out NewTech's site to search, design or repair drilling products. View Site
Do You Know Your Online Audience? by Kristyn Porter
Fact: Internet searchers judge a website within five seconds of visiting it, which means that your site has to snag the attention of your audience the first time they see it. Read More.
Content is King Of the Internet by Kristyn Porter
You may have heard the phrase, "Content is king." Well-written content on your website doesn't just appeal to online searchers; it also has a positive effect on search engines and rankings. Read More.
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